
Artistic Website

Creative Artists | Graphic Design | Interior Design | Photographers | Singer | Painter

Show your Art & Creativity at its best!

We create responsive Artistic websites that work beautifully on all devices.

Online Artistic Website

In the most general form, one can refer to Art as the production of artistic work along with different pieces of admiration and criticism. Despite the nature of the factors that individually co-ordinate and result in a beautiful piece of work, the amount of efforts contributed by the artist is boundless. The corresponding adoption of the art falls under the category of Fashion.

Online Photography Website

Online Makeup Artist Website

Online Music Artist Website

Services we provide in Artistic Website

  • Homepage/Landing Page
  • About Us
  • Services
  • Contact Us
  • Blogs
  • Monthly Website Maintenance
  • Security Pacths Update
  • Version Upgrade and Updates
  • Email Account – 500 MB Quota
  • Email Creation – Upto 5
  • Backup – Weekly
  • SSL Integration included*
  • On Page SEO
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • URL Structure
  • Heading Tag Optimization
  • Website Speed Optimization
  • Google Analytics & Search Console Setup
  • Analytic Dashboard
  • Customer / User Accounts Management
  • Product Listing Managemnet
  • Pricing & Stock Management
  • Product Gallery
  • Invoice And Emails
  • Shipping Management
  • TAX / VAT / GST Management

What pages should you include?


Every website needs a home page, it’s the first page visitors land on when they visit your domain name.

Privacy policy

Data is critical for businesses that process that information to provide services and products to their customers.

Search Page

Search solution is a search engine that is either built-in or integrated into your online store.

Returns & Refunds

Any product kept in its original form of packing, tags, bills and condition will be entitled to be exchanged or returned if the customer deems so.

SEO Friendly

Site architecture based on your keyword research. On-Page SEO through strategic keyword optimization in meta tags and content.

About Page

Your about page is where you tell visitors more about your company and what you stand for.


Visitors may have questions, a frequently asked questions page can help them find the answers.



Visitors may want to see reviews from customers, a testimonial page is where you would show them.


This is where you tell visitors how to contact you. Include a form and map to show your location.

Terms & conditions

Website Terms and Conditions of Sale are the terms you set for customers who purchase products on your website.

Request a quote to get started

What services you want?

1 + 9 =

What features are included?


Product variables

Offer variations with control over prices, stock, image, and more.

Payment options

Accept Paypal, credit / debit card payments, bank transfer and more.

Live previews

There are many clever tools available now. The best artist websites allow your customers to generate a mock-up room with furniture and then insert your artwork.

Product reviews

Enable or disable the ability for people to leave product reviews on products in your store.


List the price when selling your artwork. If you don’t display a price there is no way for your potential customers to gauge if it is anywhere near their budget.

Automatic taxes

Geolocating allows you to show relevant tax prices store-wide.

Discount codes

Choose from fixed value or percentage off coupons. Set a date a coupon should expire.

Social Media

Speaking of sharing, be sure to link to your social media profiles on your website so your customers can see another side to you.

FAQs For Artistic Website

Why do artists need a website?
One of the most beneficial reasons for an artist to have their own website is to have control over their marketing assets. … By having your own website, you are also enabling a one-track path for people to purchase your art, solely through you and cuts out the middleman (a gallery, third-party service).
How do artists sell their art online?

This is by far the top question we have received, and we have been covering several articles on this subject. The first step in selling art on the internet is to know your audience, and know what type of people your art appeals to.

What are the best places to promote art online?
There are many social networks, forums and groups on the internet specifically for artists.
These are effective for art promotion and gathering followers, but realize that the membership in these places are usually mostly artists. We have found that the best places to market art and an artist website is at large social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Linkedin.
How to sell art and get commissions?
Potential art buyers are everywhere, but they are not always easy to find. To find them, an artist must put their art out there in the public eye as much as possible. Find public places to display your artwork, such as coffee shops, art galleries, etc. Think about places where people are in the buying mood, such as stores and shops. There may be a local craft shop near you that may be perfect for displaying some of your artworks.
How do artists cope with creative block?
Most artists have had to cope with artists block at one time or another. There are many day to day struggles that may hinder an artist’s ability to create. Artists must learn how to deal with these, and get back to doing what they love best.
How to create a good portfolio?
There are certain elements that should be included in an effective portfolio to present to art galleries and potential clients. Portfolios should have good quality digital photographs, a presentation case or book, structured layout, an artist statement, and more.
How to photograph art for the internet?
In order to take quality photographs of artwork for the web, a good quality digital camera is needed. Other elements such as a tripod and adequate lighting are also a necessity. If you are posting artworks to the web, make sure they look as good as possible. They should accurately reflect the quality of your artworks.
How to sign paintings?
There is a debate on whether to sign a painting at all. Some claim that it interferes with the composition. But, it is important to have your name somewhere on the piece, so that future generations can know you created it. The first place most people look on an artwork is for who did it. It helps with branding and recognition. More about this issue is discussed at the above post.
How to set prices for art?
Pricing art can be a difficult process, especially for emerging artists. The tendency is to price them too low or too high. It is important to create a pricing model and stick to it. Incrementally increase your prices at certain intervals.
How do artists protect their artwork online?
One of the most common issues with online artists is art theft. When posting images online, it is nearly impossible to completely prevent them from being stolen by someone else. But, there are certain anti-theft measures that can make artwork less desirable for theft. Watermarking and using low resolution images seems to be the most effective of these.

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