Hashtags for Daily Exposure to Reach a Fresh Social Media Audience

Hashtags for Daily Exposure to Reach a Fresh Social Media Audience

Social media is an essential component of any business’s marketing strategy in the digital age. With billions of people using social media platforms every day, it’s no wonder that businesses of all sizes are vying for their attention. However, with so many businesses competing for the same audience, it can be difficult to stand out. One of the most effective ways to increase your social media reach is by using hashtags. In this blog, we’ll explore how to use hashtags for daily exposure to reach a fresh social media audience.

What are hashtags?

Hashtags are words or phrases that are preceded by the pound sign (#) and used on social media platforms to categorize content. When a user clicks on a hashtag, they are taken to a page that displays all the posts that have used that same hashtag. This makes it easy for users to find and explore content that is relevant to their interests.

Why are hashtags important for social media marketing?

Hashtags are essential for social media marketing because they can help increase the reach of your content. By using popular hashtags, you can get your posts in front of a wider audience, including people who may not have heard of your business before. Hashtags can also help you connect with other businesses and individuals in your industry, which can lead to valuable partnerships and collaborations.

Using hashtags for daily exposure

If you want to use hashtags for daily exposure, you need to develop a hashtag strategy. This involves researching popular hashtags that are relevant to your business and using them in your social media posts. Here are some tips for using hashtags for daily exposure:

  1. Research popular hashtags

To find popular hashtags, you can use tools like Hashtagify, which allows you to search for hashtags related to your business. You can also look at the hashtags that your competitors are using and see which ones are popular. Once you have a list of popular hashtags, you can start incorporating them into your social media posts.

  1. Use hashtags that are relevant to your business

While it’s important to use popular hashtags, it’s also important to use hashtags that are relevant to your business. This will ensure that your posts are reaching the right audience. For example, if you’re a fitness coach, you may want to use hashtags like #fitness, #health, and #wellness.

  1. Create your own branded hashtags

In addition to using popular and relevant hashtags, you can also create your own branded hashtags. This can help you build brand awareness and encourage user-generated content. For example, if you’re a restaurant, you may want to create a hashtag like #eatatmyrestaurant.

  1. Use hashtags on all your social media platforms

Make sure you’re using hashtags on all your social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Each platform has its own set of best practices when it comes to hashtags, so make sure you’re familiar with them.

  1. Don’t overdo it

While hashtags can be a powerful tool for social media marketing, it’s important not to overdo it. Too many hashtags can make your posts look spammy and turn off potential followers. As a general rule, aim to use 2-3 hashtags per post.

In conclusion, hashtags are an essential component of any social media marketing strategy. By using popular and relevant hashtags, creating your own branded hashtags, and using hashtags on all your social media platforms, you can increase your social media reach and connect with a fresh audience. Just remember not to overdo it, and always make sure your posts are providing value to your followers.

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4 Ways to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy through User-Generated Content Advantages

4 Ways to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy through User-Generated Content Advantages

In today’s digital age, user-generated content (UGC) has become a powerful tool for marketers looking to enhance their marketing strategies. UGC refers to any content created by users or customers that promotes a brand, product, or service. This content can take many forms, including social media posts, reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, and more. When used effectively, UGC can help businesses build brand awareness, increase engagement, and drive conversions. In this blog, we’ll explore 4 ways to enhance your marketing strategy through user-generated content advantages.

  1. Build Trust with Authentic Content

Consumers are increasingly skeptical of traditional advertising and are turning to UGC to inform their purchasing decisions. In fact, a study by Stackla found that 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions. Unlike traditional advertising, which can feel sales-y and insincere, UGC is seen as more authentic and trustworthy because it comes from real people who have used the product or service. By incorporating UGC into your marketing strategy, you can build trust with your audience and show them that real people are satisfied with your offerings.

  1. Increase Engagement and Reach

UGC can be an effective way to increase engagement and reach on social media platforms. When users create content related to your brand or product, they are essentially promoting it to their followers. This can help you reach new audiences and expand your reach beyond your existing followers. Additionally, UGC tends to generate higher engagement rates than branded content because it feels more personal and relatable. By encouraging your audience to create and share UGC, you can increase engagement and reach on your social media channels.

  1. Generate New Content Ideas

One of the biggest challenges of content marketing is coming up with fresh ideas on a regular basis. UGC can be a valuable source of inspiration for new content ideas. By monitoring what your audience is saying about your brand or product on social media, you can identify common themes and topics that you can turn into new content. For example, if several customers mention how much they love a specific feature of your product, you can create a blog post or social media campaign that highlights that feature. By leveraging UGC, you can ensure that your content is relevant and resonates with your audience.

  1. Humanize Your Brand

Finally, UGC can be an effective way to humanize your brand and connect with your audience on a more personal level. By sharing UGC on your social media channels, you can show that real people are using and enjoying your products or services. This can help to break down the barrier between your brand and your audience and create a more emotional connection. Additionally, by encouraging UGC, you are giving your audience a voice and showing that you value their opinions and experiences.

In conclusion, user-generated content can be a powerful tool for enhancing your marketing strategy. By building trust with authentic content, increasing engagement and reach, generating new content ideas, and humanizing your brand, you can create a more effective and engaging marketing campaign. As UGC continues to grow in importance, it’s essential that marketers embrace this trend and find ways to incorporate it into their strategies.

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15 Inspiring Ideas for Creative Blog Posts Your Readers Will Absolutely Adore

15 Inspiring Ideas for Creative Blog Posts Your Readers Will Absolutely Adore

Are you struggling to come up with creative ideas for your blog posts? Do you want to keep your readers engaged and interested in your content? If so, you’re in luck! In this post, we’ll explore 15 inspiring ideas for creative blog posts that your readers will absolutely adore.

  1. Listicles: People love lists, and they’re a great way to organize information in a fun and engaging way. Make a list of top 10, 15, or 20 things related to your niche that your readers will find interesting.
  2. How-To Guides: Provide your readers with step-by-step instructions on how to do something related to your niche. This could be anything from cooking a recipe to creating a DIY project.
  3. Personal Stories: Share your personal experiences related to your niche. This will not only provide valuable insights to your readers, but it will also make your blog more relatable and engaging.
  4. Product Reviews: Review products related to your niche and share your honest opinions with your readers. This will help them make informed decisions on what to buy.
  5. Infographics: Visual aids like infographics can help you convey complex information in an easy-to-understand way.
  6. Interviews: Interview experts or influencers in your niche and share their insights with your readers.
  7. Roundup Posts: Curate a list of the best articles, products, or tools related to your niche and share them with your readers.
  8. Controversial Posts: Share your opinion on a controversial topic related to your niche. This will spark a discussion and engage your readers.
  9. Guest Posts: Invite guest bloggers to write for your blog and share their unique perspectives with your readers.
  10. Behind the Scenes: Share what goes on behind the scenes of your blog or business. This will give your readers a glimpse into your world and help build a connection with them.
  11. Infotainment Posts: Combine information with entertainment to make your blog posts more engaging. This could be anything from a funny video to a quiz related to your niche.
  12. Comparison Posts: Compare different products, services, or ideas related to your niche and share your insights with your readers.
  13. Q&A Posts: Ask your readers to submit questions related to your niche and answer them in a blog post.
  14. Case Studies: Share real-life examples of how your products or services have helped your customers.
  15. Predictions: Make predictions about the future of your niche and share them with your readers. This will show that you’re an expert in your field and keep your readers engaged.

In conclusion, these 15 ideas are just a starting point. Get creative and think outside the box to come up with blog post ideas that your readers will love. Remember, the key is to provide value and engage your readers to keep them coming back for more.

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Designing a Landing Page for Your Website That Converts at a High Rate: Tips and Strategies

Designing a Landing Page for Your Website That Converts at a High Rate: Tips and Strategies

When it comes to online marketing, one of the most critical factors in converting website visitors into customers is having a high-converting landing page. A landing page is a standalone web page created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign with a single goal in mind – to convert visitors into leads or customers.

Designing an effective landing page can be a challenging task, but with the right tips and strategies, you can create a landing page that converts at a high rate. In this blog post, we’ll share some essential tips and strategies that can help you design a landing page that converts visitors into customers.

1 – Have a clear and concise headline
Your landing page’s headline is the first thing visitors will see, and it should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing. It should convey the primary benefit of your product or service and clearly communicate what your landing page is all about.

2 – Keep the design simple and visually appealing
Your landing page design should be simple, clean, and visually appealing. Use a limited color palette and avoid cluttering the page with too many elements. Make sure your landing page is easy to navigate, and visitors can quickly find what they’re looking for.

3 – Use high-quality images and videos
High-quality images and videos can make a significant impact on your landing page’s overall look and feel. Use images and videos that are relevant to your product or service and showcase its benefits. Avoid using stock images that look generic and don’t add any value to your landing page.

4 – Highlight the benefits of your product or service
Your landing page should highlight the benefits of your product or service and explain how it can solve your customers’ problems. Use bullet points to list the benefits clearly and concisely.

5 – Include social proof
Social proof can be a powerful tool in convincing visitors to take action on your landing page. Include customer testimonials, reviews, or endorsements to showcase your product or service’s credibility and trustworthiness.

6 – Use clear and compelling calls-to-action
Your landing page’s call-to-action (CTA) should be clear, compelling, and visible. It should be the primary focus of your landing page and stand out from the other elements. Use action-oriented language, such as “Get Started” or “Join Now,” to encourage visitors to take action.

7 – Test and optimize your landing page
Testing and optimizing your landing page is critical to improving its conversion rate. Use A/B testing to test different versions of your landing page and identify what works best. Make changes based on your test results and continuously optimize your landing page to improve its performance.

In conclusion, designing a landing page that converts visitors into customers requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog post, you can create a landing page that converts at a high rate and helps you achieve your marketing goals.

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Yes, you heard it right!
With Make My Website you can own a website for free.
Anyone can own a website, but being a businessman, is owning a website for free most important, or running a successful online business?
Your interest in owning a website because it is offered for free shows that you are trapped in one of those marketing techniques on the internet.

Today’s Digital Market is filled with such Marketing techniques, only to attract traffic. But at Make My Website, our primary objective is to make your business grow in the long run.

Business owners don’t have enough time to spend on creating a website and managing it on an everyday basis. The creation of a website includes work in different fields, but the efforts are of no worth if the objective of the business is not fulfilled, which is to earn consistent Profits. So one must understand that running a successful online business, and making more profits, are directly connected.

We understand this connection, so we give you a website with no cost involved for the first 15 days. We will refund you the money if you do not want us to work for you after 30 days.

Make My Website designs websites from a core Digital Marketing perspective, we understand that successfully running an online business, and profits, are correlated with each other. Having a website is different, but a website that attracts the audience relevant to your business niche is another.

How does it work?
One can create a website, but running an online business successfully demands knowledge about various fields of the Digital Marketing world, for you to make the right choice!

With the knowledge we are going to provide, you will always be able to make the right choice in the right direction, you will know how much money does it genuinely costs to run a successful online business.

Taking your business online means two basic aspects to be fulfilled. The first is to create a website from a core Digital Marketing perspective. The second is taking care of your website regularly.

There is a set frame designed to reach your desired goal in any online business. Over a period when you start to know the digital world, the objective of the business doesn’t only remain profits but demands a collective approach. So here is a list of steps to create a website from scratch, and work on which will give you a basic idea about domains of digital marketing, which will help you to reach your desired goal when you will start running an online business successfully:


Purchasing a domain name is the first thing you need to create a website. There are countless platforms available that can provide you with a domain name.

Make My Website provides you with a domain that is best suited for your business niche. Here are 4 important points to keep in mind while purchasing a domain name:

Short & Crisp
A domain name that is too long likely takes a long time to type and results in more typos, which in turn results in loss of traffic. A short and crisp domain name is very easy to type and allows customers to search in one go, users should be able to identify what your business is about.

Keyword Relevant
A keyword-relevant domain name will drive far more traffic to your website, than just a short and crisp domain. You have to perform enough research to see what people are looking for on search engines, as well as on social media, under your business category. When it comes to keyword relevancy of a domain name, merely research is not enough, you have to figure out which keyword will drive more consistent traffic to your business over a longer period, even if the competition is high. Because the domain name is not like any replaceable content on your website, you cannot change, if you find it inappropriate later.

Make Sure It’s Not Taken
You don’t want to steal someone else’s trademark or a brand name, which can be in a different domain extension for example .in / .org / .net, etc. That’s why extensive research is required before you choose a domain name.

Unique and Brandable
A unique domain name will set you aside from the competition, and it shows that the audience gets more attracted towards a unique domain than just a common trending keyword. Remember that the name should also be brandable, it must be able to show a contextual meaning to the user, for example, Amazon.com and ShoppersParadise.com, both domains sound good, but clearly, Amazon seems to be more Brandable and Unique.


After purchasing a domain name the next step is to purchase web hosting (a cloud-based platform to host your website files and data). It is exactly like building a house to keep the stuff you need inside after you have purchased land with an address. Make sure to purchase fully managed hosting, so you don’t have to look anywhere else for Web Hosting Services.

Make My Website keeps these 5 important points to choose a perfect Web Hosting for your website:

Uptime of a web host means the time for which a system/computer was available and continuously running, without any reported or visible issues. Issues usually result in loss of traffic and revenue. If the host server is unresponsive on Sundays, and you run an e-commerce website, then you are likely to lose a lot of growth potential of your online business. Uptime is calculated in percentage(%), and companies usually go for a Five-Nines availability goal, which is 99.999% of uptime.

Traffic Limit
Not everyone is aware that some web hosting companies have traffic limits. This means, after crossing set traffic for a month, the host will stop displaying your website and charge you extra money for the exceeded traffic. Make My Website provides you a web hosting that holds no such charges with unlimited traffic in every package.

Storage Capacity
The more storage you select for a web host, the more money you need to pay. Make sure the storage limit you purchase is not exhausted before the next renewal, also never pay extra loads of money only to be safe. Research is needed on the type of website, files, and data that you will use for storage, to have an approximate idea about how much storage you need in a year. The goal is to utilize money effectively.

TLS/SSL Certificate
TLS stands for Transport Layer Security, which is an upgraded version of what people use to call SSL or Secure Sockets Layer. TLS/SSL certificate is an extra layer of security you add to your website, which means whatever data the user will use to communicate with your website will be encrypted. This is important to gain the trust of every user, especially if you accept online payments. You should always purchase a web hosting package that comes with a TLS/SSL certificate, so if you have an issue, you should have support available handy.

Customer Support & Services
One of the most important features you must keep in mind while purchasing a fully managed web hosting is its Customer Support & Services. Be aware of the services you will get from your web hosting company, and make sure that it comes with a customer support feature. It always satisfies to have a person to talk to, rather than figuring out the problem on your own.


After you have purchased a domain name, and web hosting, the design comes into picture. Website Design plays a crucial part in creating a website. It means, How you want your website to be displayed! To make it more understandable, the process of designing a website is like an Architect and an Interior Designer working together to make your home look more stunning and attractive. Where every piece of the displayed content is carefully placed, to drive users through a Marketing Funnel.

Have you ever visited a website and realized that you have been there for a while without realizing it?

Website Designing is a very important part to get a hold of your user, to have a non-effective bounce rate (users bouncing off your website from the landing page). While a poor design could negatively affect your business.

Make My Website offers cheap and affordable Website Designing packages for every business.

Since designing is not like purchasing a domain name or web hosting, talking from an owners’ perspective. Without explaining the core technicalities, here are 5 things you must keep in mind while designing a website:

Website Theme
You must perform extensive research to find out what subject themes are relevant for your business website, and which ones are currently trending. Based on which you will have an idea, about how users want websites to be displayed in your business niche. The subject theme is nothing, but display of colors, elements of website design, and the overall feel it creates.

Never fill your navigation bar with irrelevant tabs, just because you want to offer everything you have to the user, right from the landing page. A well-strategized navigation bar is an example of a good website design. The navigation should always be to the point, shouldn’t cover more than the required amount of space, and always gives the user an option to go back where he landed from anywhere on the website.

The parent page of your website, the only page which will attract more traffic than the overall website is the homepage. Designing a homepage is the first thing you must do while laying down the design of the website. You must consider driving users through a marketing funnel (a core Digital Marketing perspective) as soon as they land on the homepage.

Speed & Mobile Friendly
Designing a website lays the foundation for the speed of a website. Perfectly used space, appropriate image size, optimal video resolution, are some key features of a responsive website that loads fast.
In the virtual era where machines are becoming as compact and precise as possible, people have started to shift from big screens to small ones. Statistics show that 68.1% of overall websites visited globally, in 2020, was from mobile devices, while 3.1% was from tablets, and 28.8% was from Desktops/Computers. it clearly shows how important it is to make your website mobile-friendly also.

Siloing Pages
Siloing your website means giving a hierarchical structure to your website pages, grouping pages with similar content together through internal linking. This is a very important part of website design because it will navigate the search engine crawling spiders to the relevant content, for a targeted query. What crawlers look for is the relevance of displayed information with the searched keyword, if the website pages are not internally linked, and are misplaced, you are likely missing out on ranking at a much higher spot. The aim is to provide crawlers with as much relevant information we have for the targeted keyword, as possible.


Content is King!
As Bill Gates said once.
Everything you see on the internet, including audio, video, images, and written information, is Content.
Without relevant content, a website is just like an empty Castle. Though it looks magnificent from the outside, it has nothing to offer.

A well-strategized content is just like the google map guiding you to your desired location, but most of the time things usually boil down to the website designer’s perspective, and content writer’s skills.

Make My Website creates carefully crafted content for every website we offer.
Here are 2 important points to check if the content is good enough:

Marketing Funnel
The Marketing Funnel is a deliberate way of guiding a user through the content, giving him the relevant information, and converting into a customer in the end. The approach is to display the content in such a way that it works step by step. There are various types of Digital Marketing Funnels one can design, depending on your business niche. The most common one includes Awareness, Engagement, Desire, and Conversion.

Keywords are the pillar of content writing! They are the trending topics of search among internet users, it shows what information your targeted audience is looking for. Extensive keyword research is required to get familiar with trending topics and those which can drive traffic to your website. These keywords are the pinpoints that help search engine crawlers to identify how relevant a piece of content is to a query.


Search engine optimization and website maintenance is the last thing you do and are usually some of the most avoided factors in creating a website.

But in today’s digital era, one of the most important things we forget is competition. No matter what business niche you serve, we are sure there will be countless websites under your competition which demand the same audience.

SEO means optimizing your website to rank higher among SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), for search queries relevant to the information you have displayed on the website. It usually takes 2-6 months to see the visible results of SEO, being the only reason to be the most avoided aspect of website creation.

Make My Website understands the futility of SEO if not done properly, that is why we only use White Hat SEO techniques (techniques under the search engine guidelines). We consider SEO more important than Website Designing, because having a website that generates no traffic is pointless, and a waste of money for the business owner.

Website Maintenance is also a part of SEO but it is seen as a different task, as it needs time to be spent on an everyday basis. But maintenance of a website is very important to check for existing problems and updates regularly, and to run an online business for a longer time.

This includes replacing your content with a fresh one because users don’t always behave in the same way. The trends change, and so does the competition, which is nothing but all demand and supply.

SEO and website maintenance is a continuous process that demands Research, Business & Competition Analysis, and understanding the Targeted Audience. Make My Website works regularly on your website to see what is in demand and supply the virtual market with the relevant information.


Keeping all the above-mentioned points in consideration to create a website, we offer cheap websites to shop for small businesses. Most of the clients that a business gets today are online, so we are offering websites to almost every business owner out there.

Owning a website was never so easy and affordable as it is with Make My Website. We offer the best free websites for Startup Businesses and those who operate on a smaller scale.

We make sure that you only pay for the services availed, and we give you a free website to own for the first 15 days with no cost involved. If you do not want us to work for you anymore, we will give you a refund of what you have paid after 30 days.

(Please read our refund policy for more details about our 30 days money-back guarantee.)

The Top 10 Paid Advertising Infographics of the Decade – 2020

The Top 10 Paid Advertising Infographics of the Decade – 2020

Here are the top 10 most shared and viewed paid advertising infographics from the last decade.

Make My Website share the stats you need to know in this infographic.


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